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Co-Founders of the Development

Player 23 Platform

It is the first platform that connects players, with clubs, agents, with absolute control of the athletes who verify the information when creating a user. For the first time, players manage their information.

We build your App,
build your future.

+10 years creating APPs for different clients linked to the sports industry. The process involves planning, design, coding, the testing stage and its implementation.

We develop your website,
your digital profile.

We work on the process of creating and managing a brand to apply it to a website. This includes defining brand identity, communicating values, brand personality to customers, and establishing a strong and consistent image in the minds of users. We take care of everything from UI UX design to data integration.

Power your content

We want to spread your essence by generating a strategy of impactful graphic and audiovisual pieces, complemented by texts that sell alone. All this based on a detailed analysis of the situation, the competition and the main trends according to your audience. To do this, we make our team of creatives available.

Data integration

We perform data integrations via API, generating the combination of data from different systems or applications. APIs allow different systems to communicate with each other and share data in real time, allowing companies to use information more efficiently and effectively.

Integrations with all leading sports statistics companies

Your success is our prestige.